Words can’t express the feelings my husband and I have for our little Toyger female kitty we named Nyla. At first we thought that spending a lot of money for a cat could be questionable but believe us our kitty is worth EVERY penny and more. We saw an advertisement in the TICA cat show brochure for the Toyger cat breed and we found Helen Baloun. There weren’t any Toygers at the show but we were impressed with the color advertisement and the beautiful cats that were pictured in it. Contacting Helen began a wonderful journey with we think probably the best, most professional Toyger breeder in the world. Helen has won every important award with her cats and that was important to us. This let us know she masters professionalism but isn’t running a “cattery” for money. Helen loves every one
on her cats and new kitties like her own. It shows because our Nyla came very equally socialized loving my husband, myself and every new person she has met. Nyla allows everyone to hold her and pet her. Nyla loves to play with us and her toys together, she sleeps with us all through the night, she is quiet, and very intelligent. We live in a small
apartment and she rather be with us than try to escape to the outside world. If you have to be on a waiting list like we did, count your blessings because; that the wait will be worth it when your “forever kitty” arrives. It will be such a magical moment to begin your journey with living with a Toyger! Thank you Helen Baloun, forever we will be grateful!